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Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie

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Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie Empty Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie

Post by Matchbox Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:17 am

Source: On.cc
Translated by: matchbox @ https://illusive-serenity.forumotion.net

Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie

Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie Ncbrka0120100113180304b

Bernice Liu is currently in Foshan shooting new movie "Ip Man The Prequel". In the movie she portrays a Villain role, wearing a red costume with red shoes and red lipstick. She joked that she looked like a female ghost. She will mainly be speaking Japanese in the movie and will be learning the language at the same time. Bernice revealed that she accidentally injured Yuen Biao's Substitute with knife injuries and he had to go into hospital to get stitches. She also injured her legs and was accidentally hit by Fan Siu Wong on the face. She feels that the face is most important to a female artist and has paid high premium insurance.
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Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie Empty Re: Bernice Liu says she looks like a Female ghost in new movie

Post by summer7879 Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:41 pm

Lol, Bernice look like pretty ghost lo.. haha...
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